Oman is one of the most important tourist centers in the world. It has diverse environments with various tourist attractions. Maisfat Al briyeen one of the amazing place in Oman. It is a little ancient village lies at the foot of Jabal Shams in Nizwa. Misfat Al Abriyeen characterized by:

* Agricultural terraces:

The first place attracts the attention of visitors is the agricultural terraces which expands from the source of Falaj Al Misfat and to very long distances. The important crops in agricultural are bananas, citrus fruits and palm trees. 

* Old houses: 

The houses in this place characterized by old high -rising structures which go up to the height of four floors. These houses were built on mountain slopes and rocks. People still live in these houses. Although people still living in Maisfat Al briyeen large number of visitors still visit this place. Also the Rogan Fort is a big attraction of Misfat. 

* Falaj: 

The falaj characterized by long - winding canals .Also it considers as the main source of drinking water for man, animals and crops too. Also there is pond for people who live there for swimming. Omanis made a water distribution which represent the ingenuity of the ancient Omanis. 

* Mountain tracks: 

Many people like climbers come to Maisfat Al briyeen looking for exploration and adventure. Also there is a road can take people from Misfat to Rustaq. Moreover, people in Misfat still keep their customs, ancient tradition and respect visitors. They always invite visitors for drink coffee. Also the government planned are being to provide the best services in the future. Although Maisfat Al briyeen consider a good tourist destination visitors should chose suitable time when they want to visit this place. They should to remember that people were still living in Maisfat Al briyeen .Some people think Maisfat Al briyeen not good destination for tourist because people still living there so, does the Maisfat Al briyeen a good tourist destination or not?